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Rainforest Rescue

Charity detailed scoring and metrics

This charity is up-to-date on the ACNC, and has financial reports available. It has recent and historic annual reports available on its website. It has a privacy policy available.
This charity has more assets than liabilities, and has asset coverage of 58 months of expenses. It has made 0 losses in the last five years.
Gold seal
This charity has submitted both recent and historic outcomes. It has described how it measures its outcomes.

About this organisation

Description of charity

Rainforest Rescue is a not-for-profit organisation that has been protecting and restoring rainforests since March 1999 by providing opportunities for individuals and businesses to Protect Rainforests Forever. Our projects re-establish rainforests through planting, maintenance, and restoration programs, as well as purchasing and protecting high conservation value rainforest and preserving its biodiversity.

Summary of activities

- Used funds donated to our public fund to restore, purchase and protect rainforest - Propagated and Planted a total of ~19,000 trees in the Daintree region to restore habitat and rainforest - Planted 3,300 trees at NightWings at our Annual Community Tree Planting Day --> - Planted over 2,000 trees at Tranquilty including Community Tree Planting days in Apr, Jun & Aug --> - Rescued three rainforest properties in the Daintree total of 20.66 hectares --> Lot 41 (18.61 ha) --> Lots 11 & !2 (2.05 ha) - Continued development of partnerships with traditional owners in the Daintree region including partnership with Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation (JYAC) Junior Ranger Program for Indigenous Workers and setting up to handover of our Diwan Native Nursery to JYAC. --> - Second year of the Rainforest Rescue Canopy Awards --> - Nearing completion on the New Native Nursery in Cow Bay --> - Expanded our Nursery & Land Management Team to enable more propagation and more planting and hired a GM Finance & Ops to streamline financial & operational processes --> - Increased involvement in the Daintree Community --> --> - Refreshed Board of Directors and Advisory Board --> -->

Mission or vision of the charity

Our vision is to Protect Rainforests Forever. Our Mission is to: Rescue vulnerable rainforests by strategically buying properties; Restore damaged and fragmented habitat through reforestation; Conserve the biodiversity and cultural heritage of Rainforest; and Learn from the forest, sharing and raising awareness.


Outcomes are self-reported by charities

Self-reported outcomes achieved

Seedlings Propagated for Restoration in the Wet Tropics from our Native Daintree Nursery


Every year Rainforest Rescue propagates a number of trees, over 200 species, to be used in restoration projects in the region. These trees are propagated from seeds lovingly collected, ethically, from our properties and roadsides, and volunteers. (2023)

Hectares of Rainforest Protected


Every year Rainforest Rescue purchases and protects parcels of unprotected Daintree Rainforest. We then remove the development rights and move to create it as a nature refuge, committing to forever protecting this essential habitat. (2023)

Outcomes measurement detail

Approach to measuring outcomes

Every $10 can help to grow, plant, and maintain one native rainforest tree for one year or buy back two square meters of rainforest habitat. Please visit our website homepage for current information regarding what's been achieved by Rainforest Rescue since 1999.

Programs and activities


What is this?

This graph shows how much revenue (money in) and expenses (money out) the charity has had each year over the last few years. Charities have many sources of revenue, such as donations, government grants, and services they sell to the public. Similarly, expenses are everything that allows the charity to run, from paying staff to rent.

What should I be looking for?

First off, this graph gives a general indication of how big the charity is - charities range in size from tiny (budgets of less than $100,000) to enormous (budgets more than $100 million). You're also looking for variability - if the charity's revenue and expenses are jumping up and down from year to year, make sure there's a good reason for it.

Unlike companies, charities and not-for-profits aren't on a mission to make money. However, if they spend more than they receive, eventually they will go into too much debt and run into trouble. As a very general rule, you want revenue to be slightly above expenses. If expenses is reliably above revenue, the charity is losing money. If revenue is much larger than expenses, it means the charity might not be using its resources effectively. It isn't always that simple, however, and there's a lot of reasons a charity might not follow this pattern. They might be saving up for a big purchase or campaign, or they might have made a big one-off payment. If you're worried, always look at the annual and financial reports to understand why the charity is making the decisions it is.


Scoring detail


Charity ACNC information last updated: 2024-01-06
Charity website information last updated: 2024-01-20
Charity information updated by charity: Yes, last updated 2024-03-22