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Hepatitis NSW Incorporated

Charity detailed scoring and metrics

This charity is up-to-date on the ACNC, and has financial reports available. It does not have annual reports available on its website. It does not have a privacy policy available.
This charity has more assets than liabilities, and has asset coverage of 6 months of expenses. It has made 0 losses in the last five years.
This charity has not yet added outcomes
This charity is yet to add outcomes or an outcome measurement methodology to the ChangePath platform.
Is this your charity? If you are an employee of this charity, you can create a free account to add outcomes and correct errors. Note that you will not be able to affect scoring directly. Create an account here: ChangePath Platform.

About this organisation

Summary of activities

Our vision a world free of viral hepatitis We are a not-for-profit charity started by the hepatitis community. We are a team of 16 paid staff and more than 30 casual staff, assisted by 18 committed volunteers. We provide information, support, referral and advocacy for people affected by viral hepatitis in NSW. We also provide workforce development and education services both to prevent the transmission of viral hepatitis and to improve services for those affected by it. We strive to be representative of people affected by viral hepatitis and work actively in partnership with other organisations and with the affected communities themselves to bring about improvements in quality of life, information, support and treatment, and to prevent hepatitis B and C transmission. Our Mission statement We work to improve the health and well-being of affected people and communities, and to prevent the transmission of viral hepatitis. Our Values EXTERNAL Inclusiveness we provide a range of non-judgemental services and information to a culturally diverse group of people living with or affected by viral hepatitis. Excellence we deliver quality and innovative services informed by evidence-based research, harm reduction principles and engagement with affected communities. Collaboration we build strong partnerships with our stakeholders. Integrity we are accountable to our communities and transparent in our actions. Independence we work in the best interests of people affected by viral hepatitis. INTERNAL Inclusiveness we celebrate and promote diversity and difference through acceptance, respectful language and healthy work life balance. Excellence we will improve and expand on our success, support staff to develop, are reliable, and hold ourselves to high standards. Collaboration we work together to build in participation that values everyone s expertise, input and experience. Siloing and bureaucracy are reduced where possible. Integrity we are accountable to each other and for the work that we do, are approachable and transparent, demonstrate trust and respect and use clear, open communication. Independence we are trusted to work autonomously, are given the freedom for creativity and use our knowledge and experience to innovate.


Outcomes are self-reported by charities

This charity is yet to add outcomes or an outcomes measurement methodology to ChangePath.

Programs and activities


What is this?

This graph shows how much revenue (money in) and expenses (money out) the charity has had each year over the last few years. Charities have many sources of revenue, such as donations, government grants, and services they sell to the public. Similarly, expenses are everything that allows the charity to run, from paying staff to rent.

What should I be looking for?

First off, this graph gives a general indication of how big the charity is - charities range in size from tiny (budgets of less than $100,000) to enormous (budgets more than $100 million). You're also looking for variability - if the charity's revenue and expenses are jumping up and down from year to year, make sure there's a good reason for it.

Unlike companies, charities and not-for-profits aren't on a mission to make money. However, if they spend more than they receive, eventually they will go into too much debt and run into trouble. As a very general rule, you want revenue to be slightly above expenses. If expenses is reliably above revenue, the charity is losing money. If revenue is much larger than expenses, it means the charity might not be using its resources effectively. It isn't always that simple, however, and there's a lot of reasons a charity might not follow this pattern. They might be saving up for a big purchase or campaign, or they might have made a big one-off payment. If you're worried, always look at the annual and financial reports to understand why the charity is making the decisions it is.


Scoring detail


Charity ACNC information last updated: 2024-03-20
Charity website information last updated: 2024-01-19
Charity information updated by charity: No